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W.A.T.F. 334

Washington Airsoft Task Force 334

For the latest news.

Scroll down to get the latest news and updates on this website and other useful information regarding people in this group. 

Welcome to WATF 334!


This website is for our group to converse about the sport and meet for events every so often.


Below this explanatory are details and updates on current events that our TF (Task Force) will participate in.


Join us and sign up for a chance to be a member in TF334. You can become one of us with more stuff to do once you join us. 


Always read the rules of the event you are attending.



If you are a member go to the members home for live updates.

This website is still in beta so be patient while we add more content through the weeks.*

Schedule for members only!

          Normally there would be a schedule in this section of the homepage but for the privacy of others it is in the membership part of the website. You can apply to be a member To get live updates. All you have to do is click the members slide to apply to be apart of this task force. But keep in mind that we only accept people in the area that we know or trust, If we contact you but don't accept the request that does not mean we don't want you a part of the team; just to clarify.

Updates and news
-We have our schedule on the members home which if you haven't already signed up for it is not accessible on this page. 
-There Is now a new pack list for team members as a guide for what to use for cqb, outdoor, and milsim game styles, all will be separate load-out suggestions for each topic.
- The main purpose of this is to help find all the resources for this team all in one place so there is no hassle figuring out what to do or when anything is because its all on one web browser.

Fields we attend  (Click the circular box for  rules)

We currently only have these locations but when we see more we will put them here.
Or if you have any suggestions please let us know by clicking Contact Us on the home bar down on the left of this page.

EagleFreak (Indoor CQB)

EagleFreak Rules
EagleFreak Website

Milsim West (modern military event)

Milsim west tickets.
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